I have finally taken the plunge and had my first acupuncture treatment. It has always intrigued me and yet I have never felt reason to go until now.
I am nearly three months out from having broken my big toe rather viciously by dropping the base of our patio umbrella on my foot. Subsequently I got married, failed my UK driving test, and started teaching a lot more. What’s the connection?
Healing takes time. Healing takes energy.
The failed test means I now cycle…everywhere. The wedding? A subtle case of bridezilla. The teaching? Amazing but exhausting. The broken toe? Really inconvenient. To top it off it is winter In Cambridge. Cold, wet, and dark.
I think I have been scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to my energy and there has been little to none left for my healing foot. Meanwhile doctors and nurses offered little more support than pain pills and bandages.
So I ordered a S.A.D. lamp and a bottle of multivitamins. I love sitting in the glow of my SAD lamp but always feel a twinge of sadness when I turn it off and the world goes grey again.
I needed something more.
I went to acupuncture, yesterday with Michael Balshaw in Ely. Not only does he stick needles in people but is also a certified Iyengar teacher. I felt confident this guy had it figured out.
There were a few different phases to my procedure. Some superficial needles in my ankles and wrists set off my stomach grumbling and churning nearly instantaneously. I had some deeper needles in my back and glutes. I finished with needles in my legs and foot. The final needles felt “interesting” in a good way. It definitely is not a painful procedure and it actually all felt quite good.
I felt energized after the session. A couple of hours later I was quite drowsy. And then perked back up and felt really good. I felt like my mind was working more quickly, my focus was improved, and I even felt my senses were heightened.
I had a good night’s sleep and today I feel relaxed.
Next acupuncture session is next Friday and I am really looking forward to it.
Complementary health seems to me a way to take the whole person in to account. It is a way to nurture, as the body is dynamic and changes over time. We have to support our body’s own ability to heal. For healing as for life, there has to be a flow of energy.